Saturday, October 26, 2013

I'm back!.... and I brought pumpkin seeds!

First off, let me start by apologizing for my absence. Many things have happened.
For one, I am all moved in to my amazing apartment in the city. It is close to work and large and has a washer/dryer in the apartment and I love it.
Second, I am sorry for not blogging. I promise I have legit excuses. Like how I did not have internet for a while. Then I put off getting a router because I kept forgetting because I would just use my phone for internet. Also, I did not have a good camera because I left my camera at my parents and my iPhone camera was scratched.
Excuses aside, I'm back! I have internet in my apartment and I have a brand new iPhone 5 to take pictures with.
Please accept my apology in the form of delicious pumpkin seeds.

I love fall. I love the weather, the smells, and that I can wear ugg boots and scarves.
Every year the sibs and I carve pumpkins. It's a tradition that has been going for about 20 years. For some reason we have never made pumpkin seeds. People make them and give them to us, or we buy them, but we never make them. This year my brother suggested we make some.
I agreed to make him pumpkin seeds if he would gut my pumpkin. I cannot do it. It makes me gag. I think it is a texture thing... and I digress.

We had a lot of seeds, so when I asked what kind of flavors my fam wanted, at the same time one yelled sweet and one yelled salty. So, I made both.

I do not think that making pumpkin seeds could be any easier. Before you start, here are some helpful tips:
1. When carving the pumpkins put all the "guts" in to a large bowl. We (my brother) added some water and separated out the seeds when we were finished carving
2. Let the seeds dry overnight. We put ours in a single layer on a cookie sheet overnight
3. You could really add any flavor you wanted. The sky is the limit here. I did not measure my add ons, I just kind of guesstimated by how many seeds I had.
4. Preheat the oven to 300 degrees

For the salty seeds I added:
-Worcestershire sauce
-Seasoned Salt
-Garlic Salt

For the sweet seeds I added:
-a tiny pinch of ginger, nutmeg, and cloves

I separated the dried seeds in to two piles. I put them in Ice cream buckets and added my ingredients with a little EVOO. I put the top on the bucket and shook to coat.

I then drizzled some EVOO on two cookie sheets and laid the seeds in a single layer. I baked them for 45 minutes total, but every 15 minutes I took them out of the oven to stir them.
And that is it. Total time was less than one hour.
So easy. Also, Pumpkin seeds are full of antioxidants, protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Always a bonus.

Happy Fall!

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