
Well, hello. My name is Andrea. 

[That is my dog, Maynard. Contrary to what it would appear, he does love me... I think.]

My DIY Apartment was basically started as a way for my family to keep tabs on me. Let me start off by saying that although I have lived in apartments before in college it was always with roommates and only while school was in session. 

This year has been a year of change. I graduated from college and got a grown up career. I am moving in to my first apartment that is not paid for by student loans, and decided to start a blog in order to document my amateur journey in the scary/exciting world of being an "adult". 

Let me start off by introducing myself:

  • I am a twenty something living in the city for the first time ever. I love it. Except for the expressways, but where there is a will there is back way.
  • God, my family, and my friends are the top three on my list of favorite things in the world. 
  • I love my dog, his name is Maynard. He does not live in my apartment with me, but I go visit him at my parents all the time. 
  • I work, a lot. And I love it.
  • I am just starting out, and my budget is very low. Enter: Coupons. I love them. I have a coupon binder. I RARELY will pay full price for something.
  • If I can D.I.Y. it, I will. Hands down.
  • I LOVE to bake. And cook. Mostly bake. Mostly cookies. 
  • I hate chocolate, and pie. I feel like I need to get this out now, before it comes up at a later time so no one is taken off guard. Yes, I have tried dark chocolate/white chocolate, and yes, I even hate it in cookies or with peanut butter. Sorry, America. 
  • I am obsessive compulsive about organization. I have OCD, no joke, it is a diagnosis. My life is very organized. I would not want it any other way.
  • I love watching television. Mostly comedies and scary movies. I DVR soap operas and shark week. Consequently, I know a lot about daytime drama and great whites. I fall asleep every night watching an episode of Friends, and I have for 6 years.
  • If you are still reading this, you are so awesome!... Or we are probably related.

A little about My D.I.Y Apartment:

  • I started this blog to share my D.I.Y experiences and random crafting, baking, couponing, and everything in between. I am by no means an expert, 100% amateur. So, copy my recipes and d.i.y experiences at your own risk. Are my projects dangerous? Not by any means, but one time I impaled my foot with a Christmas light, so you never know.
  • Feel free to contact me via comment or email if you have any questions, I would love to hear from you!! 
  • In case I have not said it enough already... Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for reading. You are awesome. 

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