Monday, August 19, 2013

D.I.Y. dresser re-do

Hello, everyone! Welcome to the first official DIY post on My DIY Apartment. Instead of making you read through my long winded "About Me" post, I put it HERE. Feel free to read it if you want, but in case you do not want to read it, here is the summary: I am moving in to an apartment, I own nothing, my budget is low, I am attempting DIY projects that have a 50/50 chance of turning in to a disaster. The end.

This dresser redo came about because of some fabric. Some chevron fabric that I got to for next to nothing at JoAnn Fabrics:
[I love chevron, in case you were wondering]
I found this tiny 4 drawer dresser for free:
It was missing some knobs, and was in pretty bad shape cosmetically, but structurally it was fine. The paint that I purchased was spray paint for wood with a gloss finish that boasted you did not need to sand anything.
I did not trust it, and sanded it anyway.
Luckily it was small, because I had to sand it by hand. My dad was at work, and I am not completely positive how to start the electric sander. But, on the plus side, my dad was at work meaning he would not guilt trip me in to not covering up wood with paint.[like a $2 night stand that I got at a garage sale and had dreams of painting mint green. "Why would you paint over beautiful wood?!?"- my dad.                  
More on that later].
After sanding, I removed the two knobs that were left, and painted. The structure of the stand is painted in a color called Buttermilk, which looks like an off white/yellow color, and the drawers are painted blue. It took me one can of each to cover the stand.
For the new knobs, I found some bronze knobs at the local hardware store in the clearance section, I got all four knobs for a couple dollars. I did not like the bronze color, but my dad had silver spray paint in his garage, so that was an easy fix. 
After the paint had dried, I added my new silver knobs and put the dresser together.
Total cost: less than $10

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