Sunday, September 1, 2013

Coupon Sunday: Coupons 101

You guys, I love coupons.
I hate spending money on food, because it is expensive and I am just going to eat it.
I hate paying full price for anything, and love getting something for a good deal. My budget is low.
Enter: Coupons
I am not extreme with coupons by any means, but I have been able to save money on everyday supplies and food that I need.
Here are some tips that I have learned during my [short] time as a couponer:
  1. Don't cut all your coupons out. I used to, and would have a hard time finding them. Now I just cut them out when I need them. A lot of the coupon sites name the date and what coupon booklet the coupon is found in. Enter: my coupon folder. That I love.
    It is organized by month and then by date. This way I can easily pick out the coupon insert that I need, and clip my coupon. It is also easier to view coupons in booklet form.
  2. Check the internet. I get a lot of coupons from here. The coupons are changed every month. I will print the ones that I know I could use. Most coupons only allow a limited number of prints, so when I see them, I print them. 
  3. Try the company website. A lot of times companies will directly post coupons for their products. Many will give promotions if you 'like' them on facebook you can print a coupon. 
  4. Does the store have a rewards program? Many times you can clip coupons directly from the store website to use. Some stores even allow you to add these with your clipped coupons, check your favorite stores coupon policies. 
  5. Couponing takes time. It really does. I try not to let myself get caught up in it. If you do not want to search for the deals yourself there are websites that you can sign up for that will find the deals for you. Some are free, some you pay for memberships. 
  6. Saving money is awesome. 'Nuf said. 

Coupon deal of the week:

At Meijer, Vlasic pickle relish is at a price freeze for $1.02. On the Vlasic website there is a coupon for $1 off 1, making the relish on $.02! 
Click here to for a direct link to the coupon

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