Wednesday, September 4, 2013

D.I.Y chair re-do?

I do not know if this is considered a re-do or a re-vamp? Is that a word? I do not know... I do know this was a very easy and inexpensive d.i.y project.
I got this chair for free... which made me instantly love it. The arms of the chair were detached and had some weird pockets hanging off of them that I did not love.
I washed the base of the chair, and I covered the arms with fabric.
Then I made a pillow using cute grey chevron fabric that I got for $1.99 a yard at JoAnn's. $1.99 a yard, people! [[Long story short, I bought a lot of grey chevron fabric]].
These were the weird pockets that were on the chair.. I cut them off.

I cut my fabric [yellow with little brown and white flowers, also a steal at JoAnns] Then I stapled it to the bottom.

Then my brother attached the arms for me, and it was finished!!
Free chair, Easy re-vamp.
My favorite kind of D.I.Y :)

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