Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Quick post: Easy tray.

This post will be as quick as the time it takes to complete this project.
I am obsessed with garage sales. I love finding inexpensive stuff, and being able to change it into something completely different.
I found this tray at a garage sale for a quarter!
The tray is in perfect condition. The "Got Milk?" is actually in perfect condition too. I just hate milk. I always have. I know it is good for me, I know the health benefits, I just do not like it. My sister drinks enough milk for the both of us, so it works out... right?
Anyways, I bought this because it fits perfectly on top of the stand that I redid HERE. I thought I could put it in my entry way and it could be a "catch all" for mail, keys, etc. 
The process was very simple, I used spray paint to cover the tray evenly. It did take two coats. I used a spray paint that was meant for plastic, so it dried shiny. I like how it turned out, and it matches the drawers on the stand perfectly.
[My mom found the tray and insisted on "borrowing" it because it "matches her kitchen perfectly"... I informed her it was all hers until I moved out. We will see....]
Overall, it was a very low cost project:

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